Saturday, October 31, 2020

3 Mistakes that are Stopping you from Learning Guitar

There are many factors to consider when we are an absolute beginner trying to learn something for the first time. There are several difficulties that a beginner faces that can slow down progress or result in a complete failure at learning the guitar which is an amazing instrument.

In this blog, we will discuss 3 mistakes that people make that directly impact their guitar learning.

Mistake #1 – Being Stuck on Warm-Up exercises

When you go to a music school or first guitar instructor, the first thing they are going to do is ask you to play guitar exercises. Typically, to master this exercise you may take a month or more. In our experience, most of the time, students complain saying that “I'm stuck at this exercise forever”. Now, if you're stuck at the same kind of exercise for two weeks or more, it’s obvious that you're going to lose interest. And once you start losing interest, the next thing you do will be to discontinue learning this amazing instrument.

So, what’s the Solution?

The right way to learn is to learn chords at the same time. So, why do you need to learn the chords at the same time? That is because chords by itself are going to take more than two or three weeks to master. So, let’s calculate the total time you’re going to take - you are going to learn the warmup exercise for three or four weeks then after that you're going to start with the chords. Chords will take you another two or three weeks so for two months you're just doing some exercise on the guitar

Mistake #2 - Learning Complicated Chords

When you first started learning to play chords on the Guitar, you tend to learn these chords C Major, E Minor, G Major and D Major. Now, while E Minor and D Major are not so complex for a beginner, the other two chords – C Major and D Major can be quite tricky for a beginner.

So, what’s the Solution?

That is why you should learn ‘half chords’. So, what are half chords? Half chords are simplified versions of the full chords – these typically have less notes that need to be played. These notes are typically played on the first three strings. So, we highly recommend first learning the half chords and how to apply them correctly. Playing these half chords and being able to apply them will help build your muscle memory and confidence. Once you have gained mastery over these half chords and are ready to venture into full chords, then you can start with full chords.

Mistake #3 – No Rewards/Motivation

A lot of students end up spending their first few weeks or even months on warm up exercises. They are unable to move their fingers fast enough, not coordinated or just unable to get a grasp of the instrument. The problem is that, if they are unable to achieve anything, they are going to get bored and lose motivation very quickly.

So, what’s the Solution?

The first thing we need to understand is the psyche of a learner. If somebody is trying to learn anything, it's directly related to how enjoyable that learning process is. How much of a reward system is it based on. So, learning and accomplishing things at a faster pace will keep you motivated. This in turn will keep you motivated to learn further. And if the process is really slow and complicated, you will either get tired or bored and you will ultimately stop learning. At the end of the day, with everything you learn, to keep you motivated, you need to have accomplishments. So, while warm up exercises are important, we advise that you don't spend more time on only exercises. Learn to play songs and learn songs alongside which is more rewarding and keeps you motivated to learn more.

In Summation

So, that was our 3 Mistakes that are Stopping you from Learning Guitar and our 3 solutions to counter that problem. So, make sure you don’t repeat these mistakes on your journey of guitar learning to achieve your goals. If you want to see a video demonstration of these topics, please see the video on our YouTube Channel -    
If you want access to detailed guided lessons and practice routines, please do check out our Guitar courses on – On Music Pandit, you get step-by-step lessons  that are designed to get you playing your favourite songs as quickly as possible. The lessons cover a whole range of topics including easy chords, popular strumming patterns, how to be creative with your playing and how to apply your techniques on any song!
We hope you enjoyed this topic and it was useful for you. Please follow our blog so you don’t miss out on any upcoming blog posts. If there is any topic you want to know more about, just comment below and we will definitely discuss it.

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Music Pandit brings you the most effective way to learn music online with a 360-degree approach to learning music.

Music Pandit offers Online Video Lessons with the support of Personalised feedback from our Music Pandits, curated step-by-step lessons, extensive content - you can choose multiple instruments with One subscription, carefully organised Practice Routines, a Musical Community, Creative Challenges, Goal setting and so much more – so you can learn Anytime, Anywhere at your pace! Sign up today on  

Saturday, October 3, 2020

5 Things to do to Start Singing Right Now

Do you love to sing? Or do you have a song in your head that you dream of singing? Whether you wish to perform on a stage someday or you just want to step up your shower singing skills, anyone can learn how to sing better.


A common misconception about singing well is that you’re either born with it or you’re not. Well, we believe that ‘anyone can sing’ and we are going to tell you how!


In this blog, we will discuss 5 things you need to know to start your singing journey right now!


#1 A Singer is a Vocal Athlete

Singing is actually comparable to any athletic endeavour – let’s take for instance training for a performance, we can compare it to training for a marathon. There are certain muscles that need to be worked out and we push ourselves a little more every day to build up our endurance.


The same thing is applied when singing, we work out several parts of our vocal anatomy including vocal cords, larynx and soft palate. The more regularly you do this, the better control and flexibility you will have over your voice.


While physiological differences do play a role in the tone of the voice, the fact is that vocal training can make all the difference between an amateur singer and a professional.


#2 Stay Motivated

Now, when you are starting to sing, you will come across many nay-sayers. Everyone encounters negative people who constantly discourage you.


But, try to remember why you started in the first place. Who was that person or What was that song that made you want to sing?


Don’t forget it.


No singer was great when they started their musical journey, every one of them worked hard and didn’t give in to their critics and that’s why they got where they are.


Remember ‘you don’t have to be great to start but you have to start to be great.’


#3 Breathing Technique

One of the most important fundamentals to get right when you sing is your breathing technique. This is what makes the difference sounding breathless to holding that note with ease.


For singers, the technique of breathing through the diaphragm of belly breath is essential in order to deliver better and more stable sound.

If you don’t know how, try this technique. Put your hands (one on top of the other) on your belly, with the center of your lower hand touching your navel. Watch how your breathing responds. You may notice that your belly wants to expand as you inhale and retract as you exhale. Let this happen, but don’t try to force it.


The best way to practice this exercise is while lying in bed. Place your hands lightly on your stomach and watch as your belly expands and contracts with your breathing.


#4 Posture

When singing posture is one another important piece of the puzzle. So, let’s talk about how you can maintain the right posture while singing.


Whether you are standing or sitting, there is a way that you can ensure that your breathing and your singing resonance does not get disturbed.


Starting from the top, your chin should be parallel to the floor and slightly tucked in or back. hold your chest high and your shoulders down or slightly back. Keep your tummy both firm and expandable at the same time. You will need to practice controlling these muscles while learning how to breathe using your diaphragm.


Singing while standing is the best posture so that your tummy or lung area is not being crushed and you have enough room to move freely. Your hands should be relaxed and held still at your side. Do not hunch or lean backwards, stand straight.


Singing while sitting is not the ideal posture, however, if you need to sit, please ensure that your back is straight and not hunched forward or leaning backward. Your tummy and lung are should not be crushed.


#5 Easy Warm Up Exercises

Lip Rolls

Lip Rolls are a great way to warm up. They get blood flowing to the vocal chords, and around the mouth area increasing flexibility. Other variations of Lip Rolls are great exercise to ensure smooth transitions between Chest Voice, Head Voice and Mix Voice.

How to do a proper Lip Roll

  1. Gently place your fingers on each cheek

  2. Lift up and, depending on preference, move your fingers slightly forward or pull back

  3. Blow*


*Keep your lips loose! You want the air flow to allow them to vibrate against each other. Repeat this 4-5 times to ensure your lips mouth region gets warmed up and flexible.


Moving Up & Down the Keyboard

Starting from the middle C (or the 3rd C on the keyboard), move slowly towards the left or the lower pitch. Go as far as you can without straining too much or hurting your voice. Similarly, do this with the upper range. Do this a few times to wake up and warm up your voice so that it is nice and clear. You voice will also feel more flexible and in control.


So, there you have it. Our 5 pointers to begin your singing journey today! If you want to see a video demonstration of these topics, please see the video on our YouTube channel -


If you want access to detailed guided lessons and practice routines, do check out our Western Vocals lessons on -  On Music Pandit, you get access to step-by-step lessons that cover a whole lot of topics like improving your vocal range, vocal projection, improvisation, vocal vibrato and so much more.


We hope you enjoyed this topic and it was useful to you. So, please follow our blog so you don’t miss out on any upcoming blog posts. If there is any topic you want to know more about, just comment below and we will definitely discuss it.


Music Pandit brings you the best and the most effective way to learn music online with a complete 360-degree approach to learning music.

Music Pandit offers Online Video Lessons with the support of Personalised feedback from our Music Pandits, curated step-by-step lessons, extensive content - you can choose multiple instruments, carefully organised Practice Routines, a Musical Community, Creative Challenges, Goal setting and so much more – so you can learn Anytime, Anywhere at your pace! Sign up today on 

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